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Sleep Medicine

Sleep disorders are very common these days. Sleep Medicine is a medical specialty which deals with the diagnosis and treatment related to sleep disorders. If left, untreated, can have long-term consequences like stroke, increased risk of heart diseases and diabetes.

Sleep Medicine what do

Sleep physicians are the trained physicians who have gained a specialized training in sleep medicine. Sleep Medicine Physicians learn about the bodily processes involved in normal sleep and how these processes go wrong in sleep disorders. They diagnose and treat sleep disorders.

Sleep Medicine scope

The field of sleep medicine and management looks at the whole body. It includes the pulmonary, respiratory, circulatory, musculoskeletal system, your hormones, nervous system and the mind. Sleep disorders can lead to depression and affect your mental health. Sleep specialists have advanced training in diagnosing and treating a variety of sleep disturbances and disorders includes Bruxism, central sleep apnea, insomnia, snoring, narcolepsy and many more sleep disorders.

Sleep Medicine listing

Sehalife has put together the profiles of some best Sleep Specialists in UAE. This listing will help you find their names, clinic address, contact numbers and patient reviews.