Best Aphasia In Al Ain

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Al Ain

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Shahda Abdul Rauf


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Orthoplus Medical Center ,Al Ain ,Al Ain

Tuesday: 11am to 7pm

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Aphasia is a kind of language disorder that is caused due to damage in a specific area of the brain that controls the language expression and comprehension. It leaves a person unable to communicate effectively with others.


Aphasia is caused by the damage to the language-dominant side of the brain. This is usually the left side of the brain that controls the language expression and comprehension. This damage could be done due to:
• Stroke
• Infection
• Brain tumor
• Dementia
• Head Injury


There are varieties of symptoms of Aphasia that may be experienced by the patient. The patient may:
• Write few sentences that don’t make sense
• Speak unrecognizable words
• Speak in sentences that don’t make any sense
• Speak in short and incomplete sentences
• Not understand other people’s conversation
• Substitute one word for another or one sound for another


The most common treatment of Aphasia is speech language therapy. A speech language therapist carries out this therapy that helps the patient improve Aphasia without treatment. It will help to restore your language as much as possible and would help you communicate to the best of your ability by finding alternative ways of communicating by using different aids. It also provides information to patients and their families about aphasia.

Finding the Best hospitals in UAE to treat Aphasia

Sehalife presents comprehensive listings of best hospitals in UAE where you can get the best treatment for Aphasia. Just check out the detailed profiles of best hospitals and choose the best among them now.