Best Dysarthria In Al Ain

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Al Ain

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Shahda Abdul Rauf


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Orthoplus Medical Center ,Al Ain ,Al Ain

Tuesday: 11am to 7pm

Available Today


Dysarthria occurs when the muscles that you use for speech are weak, paralyzed, or you feel difficulty controlling them. The person with Dysarthria cannot control the tongue or voice box and may slur words. It affects people in different forms. Some people sound like they are mumbling or slurring their words. Few of them sound like they are talking through their noses, while others sound stuffed up. Few of them speak in monotone while the other can make extreme pitch changes.


There are several factors which may develop this disease. Few of them could be:
• Brain injury
• Cerebral palsy
• Gullain-Barre syndrome
• Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
• Lyme disease
• Head injury
• Hungtington’s disease


The main sign of Dysarthria is the change in the way you talk. Many people may have trouble understanding you because you:
• Have slurred speech, mumbles, robotic or choppy
• Have difficulty moving your lips, tongue or jaws
• Sound nasal, breathy or hoarse
• Speak more quickly, softly or slowly than intended


Speech therapy is a successful way of treating people with Dysarthria. During speech therapy you can learn to overcome this condition successfully. Few of the techniques which are used as a treatment for Dysarthria are:
1. Slowing your speech
2. Make your moth muscles stronger
3. Using more breath to speak louder
4. Saying sounds clearly in words and sentences
5. Moving your tongue and lips more
6. Using other ways to communicate like using gestures, writing or computers

Finding the Best Hospitals in UAE for the treatment of Dysarthria

Sehalife has put together a detailed listings of renowned Hospitals and healthcare professionals who have decades of experience and practice in treating Dysarthria. Just see through their profiles and choose the best treatment for your health condition.