Best Receptive Language Disorder In Al Ain

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Receptive Language Disorder

Al Ain

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Shahda Abdul Rauf

Receptive Language Disorder

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Orthoplus Medical Center ,Al Ain ,Al Ain

Monday: 11am to 7pm

Available Today


Receptive Language Disorder is a problem in which a child has difficulties with understanding what is said to them. This problem begins before the age of three. Children need to understand spoken language before they can use language to express themselves.


There are several causes of receptive language disorder. Few of them include:
• Limited exposure to hearing language in their day-to-day environment
• Genetic susceptibility
• General development and their cognitive abilities


There are many signs that indicate your child may have Receptive Language Disorder. However some common signs of receptive language disorder:
 Turning out when people talk
 Trouble answering questions
 Trouble following directions
 Interrupting people who are speaking
Your speech Pathologist would compare your child’s language skills to the developmental language milestones of children in similar age groups. He may put your child in few tests. These tests will show how well the child can understand and speak language. A child is diagnosed if they can’t communicate as well as other children of their age and they struggle with.


Treatment options of this disorder may include speech-language therapy by providing information to families so that they can facilitate language growth at home. The more therapy your child gets the better their likelihood for success. Children who get therapy at least twice a week are more likely to start understanding and comprehending better and faster.

Listing of the Best Hospitals for the treatment of Receptive Language Disorder

Sehalife has a listing of best physicians, clinics and hospitals in UAE. With the help of this comprehensive you can navigate the best place to get the best possible treatment of receptive language disorder in town. Just go the listing thoroughly and choose the right treatment option for you.