Best Gout In Dubai

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Gout is a type of arthritis in which small crystals are formed inside and around the joints. It causes sudden attacks of server pain and swelling. Gout usually affects one joint at a time, most often the big-toe joint.


Gout is caused by accumulation of a substance called uric acid in the blood. Red meat and sea food causes gout especially organ meats like liver and sweet breads and seafood like shellfish and fish which are high in purines are the major causes of gout. Sweet drinks, sodas and juices with fruit sugars like high fructose corn syrup can trigger gout flares in many gout patients.


If you are dealing with intense pain, redness, swelling especially in your big toe joint, this indicates the presence of gout and you need to see a physician. There are many symptoms of gout you must be well aware of like:
• Redness, swelling or shiny skin around the affected joint
• Your joint is feeling hot and tender to the point of being unable to bear anything touching it
• Peeling, itchy and flashy skin as the swelling goes down
These symptoms may develop rapidly and last three to ten days.


Gout Specialist may help you manage your symptoms by prescribing different drugs or injections like:
• Colchicine
• Cortisteroids and prednisone

Listing of Best Gout Specialists in UAE

Sehalife helps you find the best Gout specialists in UAE by collecting a comprehensive listing of renowned Gout Specialists currently practicing there. Just choose and pick one best for you.