Hernia is a medical condition that happens when an internal organ pushes through a weak area in your muscle or tissue. If you suffer from this condition you need to see a doctor without delay. In most cases, Hernias affects the abdominal cavity.
Hernia may have various types such as:
• Femoral hernias
• Inguinal hernias
• Umbilical hernias
• Hiatal hernias
Inguinal and femoral hernias occur because of weakened muscles that may have been present since birth, or are associated with aging. Another cause is repeated strains on the abdominal and groin areas from factors such as:
• Frequent coughing
• Obesity
• Physical exertion
• Pregnancy
• Straining due to constipation
A hernia in the abdomen or groin can produce a prominent lump or bulge. Other symptoms of a hernia are:
• Pain while lifting
• Swelling or bulge in the groin or scrotum.
• An aching sensation.
• Increased pain at the site of the bulge.
• Increase in the bulge size
• A sense of feeling full
Hernia needs to be treated through surgery in most cases. Your doctor will recommend the best treatment after diagnosing your condition. There are three types of hernia surgery:
• Open surgery
• Laparoscopic surgery
• Robotic hernia repair
Choosing the best Hospitals and Clinics in UAE to Treat Hernia
To find and choose the best hospitals and clinics in UAE to get treatment for Hernia you can consult our listings at Sehalife. We have the list of the best doctors that offer successful treatment for this disease.
Hernia is a medical condition that happens when an internal organ pushes through a weak area in your muscle or tissue. If you suffer from this condition you need to see a doctor without delay. In most cases, Hernias affects the abdominal cavity.
Hernia may have various types such as:
• Femoral hernias
• Inguinal hernias
• Umbilical hernias
• Hiatal hernias
Inguinal and femoral hernias occur because of weakened muscles that may have been present since birth, or are associated with aging. Another cause is repeated strains on the abdominal and groin areas from factors such as:
• Frequent coughing
• Obesity
• Physical exertion
• Pregnancy
• Straining due to constipation
A hernia in the abdomen or groin can produce a prominent lump or bulge. Other symptoms of a hernia are:
• Pain while lifting.
• Swelling or bulge in the groin or scrotum.
• An aching sensation.
• Increased pain at the site of the bulge.
• Increase in the bulge size
• A sense of feeling full
Symptoms of hiatal hernias include:
• Chest pain
• Heartburn
• Indigestion
• Difficulty swallowing
• Frequent regurgitation
Hernia needs to be treated through surgery in most cases. Your doctor will recommend the best treatment after diagnosing your condition. There are three types of hernia surgery:
• Open surgery
• Laparoscopic surgery
• Robotic hernia repair
Choosing the best Hospitals and Clinics in UAE to Treat Hernia
To find and choose the best hospitals and clinics in UAE to get treatment for Hernia you can consult our listings at Sehalife. We have the list of the best doctors that offer successful treatment for this disease.