Best Pseudogout In Ras Al Khaimah

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Pseudogout is a form of arthritis which is characterized by sudden painful swelling in one or more joints of body. This sudden painful swelling may last for days and weeks. The most affected area of Pseudogout is knee.


Pseudogout is developed when deposits of calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate crystals build up in the cartilage tissues that protect your bones of a joint. The accumulation of this deposit is often unknown. These crystals are released into the fluid in your joint which causes swelling and joint pain. Pseudogout could be a genetic condition. There are many other contributing factors that may include:
• Magnesium deficiency
• Hyperparathyroidism
• Hypercalcimia
• Hyprthyroidism
• Excess iron in the blood


Pseudogout symptoms and signs can mimic those of gout and other types of arthritis. Therefore lab and imaging tests are usually conducted to confirm its diagnosis. If you experience few very common symptoms like pain, swelling, stiffness and warmth in large joints or chronic inflammation then you must see a Pseudogout specialist.


Pseudogout is diagnosed e and treated by your healthcare provider through conducting joint fluid analysis, X-rays, MRI or CT Scans. He may use a needle to extract a small amount of synovial fluid from the affected joint and send it to lab for analysis which confirms the detection or absence of Pseudogout. Treatment for Pseudogout could be managed through:
• Draining the fluid
• Medications
• Surgeries

Listing of Best Hospitals in UAE to treat Pseudogout

Sehalife has brought your way an all-inclusive listing of best physicians and hospitals that can provide you with the best of treatment for Pseudogout. Just scan through the profile of the most experienced doctors and select the best for your treatment.